Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Packing Packing Packing

I'm a packing fool. I've been thinking about what to pack for the last six weeks. Now, it's time for the rubber to meet the road. In my attempt to strike the perfect balance between packing light and packing smart, I'm mulling over each addition to my suitcase. My family has a long tradition of Eagle Scouts, and I can't seem to get the "Be Prepared" motto out of my head. I like to be the "go-to girl", and be able to say things like "A bike lock? Why yes, I can help you out. I have an extra one right here in my suitcase."

I've googled international packing tips, researched Indian plug adapters, analyzed the backpacks of Amazing Race contestants, quizzed my globe trotting friends and made pages of packing lists. At present, my suitcase is mostly full of crave-satisfying "American" food, candy and shoes. And, of course, travel Connect Four. (Who leaves the country without a good board game?)

I have a lot left to do. Now, if I could only find that extra bike lock...


Shelley said...

Looks like you have enough food for a small country in that case, EB! I hope you'll share.

T-minus one day till blast off. I know our entire team is packing and re-packing and taking care of last minute details today. I'll see all of you at the airport tomorrow. I'm excited!

aunt sue and UT said...

you didn't ask Aunt Sue or Grandma! Hope you have some peanut butter crackers in there!

That suitcase brings back lots of good memories!! Happy to see someone carrying on the tradition!